One year ago today I held my Jordan for the first time. Felt so good!

Almost crawling. You can do it Rylee!

Jordan's new trick.

Look at all these toys! Spoiled rotten!

Nap time!

Jordan is exhausted opening all the presents.

Rylee loved opening all the presents. Maybe it was the paper.

All I want for Christmas is a pony!

Wake up Rylee it is time for presents.

A white Christmas

This is where you will find Maddie when it is feeding time.
We have been stuck in our house for the last three days because of all the snow. All of our family Christmas celebrations were even postponed until today. We decided to keep both girls in for the day because of all the snow and colds and flu that is still going around. The girls had a great time opening presents Christmas Day. We enjoyed every minute of watching them play with their new toys. The toys are really keeping them entertained. Jordan is finally holding her bottle for part of her feedings. She has started kissing her babies and it just melts my heart every time I see her do this. I have been trying to feed her more table food and it isn't going too well. She just sticks her tongue out and won't let anything come near her. She does really well with the baby food so we will just keep working on it. Rylee loves all the table food, but it has to be pretty processed or she will gag. She has puked a few times because she gets to gagging too much. One year ago today I got to hold Jordan for the first time. Little did I know that this would be the last day that I got to hold her for over three weeks as she was placed on the oscilator ventilator and we were unable to hold her. I will cherish those moments with her forever. It felt like I was holding a kitten when the nurse placed her on my chest. Okay sleeping is not going so well for Jordan. Any advice? We have tried the cry it out method and it is not going so well. She will wake up every hour and want to be held. Needless to say we are exhausted. Here is the update from one year ago today:
Rylee: Last round of medicine to close the PDA valve. Utltrasound Monday to see if it worked. Very peaceful day for her. A lot of sleeping.
Jordan: Starting to get some of mom's "milk". About 2 ml every 3 hours. She is doing well with that. Her umbilical IV came out last night. They usually last 7 - 10 days. Since that came out, Kari got to hold her today (pics). They cuddled for about an hour. Daddy's turn tomorrow. Nothing else planned for her today.
Please keep our day nurse in your thoughts and prayers as she just lost her sister on Christmas Day. Fortunately Troy is off from school until 1/5/10 so he will be spending alot of time with the girls.