We have had a great day dressing the girls in their Halloween costumes and taking lots of pictures. We will be staying in this year and hopefully we can take them out to show them off next year. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I picked out the two peas in a pod outfits and daddy made the inappropriate outfits. When I was pregnant with the girls I thought of the two peas in a pod and thought we could take them to a local pumpkin patch for pictures. Since we are unable to take the girls anywhere I thought we would have our fun at home. Jordan was pretty tired during the photo shoot and we didn't get as many good ones of her. She is wore out and sound asleep now. We had a great week with the girls. Tiny K was here on Monday and they were very impressed with both girls. She was glad to see Rylee sitting up so well and loved seeing her attempting to roll over. Rylee mastered rolling over on Thursday night so we were happy about that. Tiny K is going to bring the speech therapist with her in a couple weeks to see what she knows about the passy muir valve that Rylee is wearing. She is doing great with it and is up to 45 minutes 3 times a day. I am a little bit worried because we can hear every breath when she has it on and it reminds me of her stridor that she had prior to the trach. I e-mailed her ENT doctor a video of her to see what her thoughts are on it. Jordan will get her 2nd seasonal flu vaccine on Tuesday and hopefully I can get Rylee in someplace for her 1st H1N1 vaccine this week. We are still waiting on their synagis (RSV) vaccines to get to our house. This has me a little stressed as I called the pharmacy that is handling the vaccines and they have no record of the girls being eligible for the shots. I did verify with our insurance company that both girls are approved and we just need more paperwork sent out. These shots are really expensive and so it is a long process to get it going.
Jordan is cracking herself up over daddy and Maddie playing.