Yesterday was Jordan's two year coming home anniversary. It doesn't seem like it has been that long since we brought this little girl home. She spent 96 days in the NICU and has had no major health problems since bringing her home. We do know that she has mild hearing loss in her right ear but won't be able to know the extent of the amount of loss until she is able to participate in a hearing test. Other than that and a few wheezing days here and there she is doing great. I like to sing "You are my sunshine" to her and she has started singing it when I pick her up now. It just melts my heart every time I hear her say it. I took both girls to the doctor's office on Friday for Rylee's last synagis vaccination and all went well. They both did very good while waiting for the nurse to call us back. I wouldn't let them off my lap and they couldn't understand why I wouldn't let them down to play. Rylee didn't enjoy her shots and neither did I. I am so glad these shots are over with. Rylee has an appointment with ENT on Friday at CMH and I think the doctor is going to scope her vocal cord area in the office and to make sure she is ready for her surgery. She is still pretty quiet and they want to make sure her vocal cords are moving correctly. She will have her airway surgery sometime in April to close up her stoma site. We will have to stay the night in the hospital so not looking forward to that part of the surgery. We will also go to her pre-op appointment to make sure she is good to go for her surgery. The picture with the three girls is from this weekend. We celebrated Addisyn's third birthday and Saturday and had a great time. She is only 9 months older than the girls and probably a foot taller! lol I included some pictures from the day we brought Jordan home.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Jordan's 2 year coming home anniversary
Yesterday was Jordan's two year coming home anniversary. It doesn't seem like it has been that long since we brought this little girl home. She spent 96 days in the NICU and has had no major health problems since bringing her home. We do know that she has mild hearing loss in her right ear but won't be able to know the extent of the amount of loss until she is able to participate in a hearing test. Other than that and a few wheezing days here and there she is doing great. I like to sing "You are my sunshine" to her and she has started singing it when I pick her up now. It just melts my heart every time I hear her say it. I took both girls to the doctor's office on Friday for Rylee's last synagis vaccination and all went well. They both did very good while waiting for the nurse to call us back. I wouldn't let them off my lap and they couldn't understand why I wouldn't let them down to play. Rylee didn't enjoy her shots and neither did I. I am so glad these shots are over with. Rylee has an appointment with ENT on Friday at CMH and I think the doctor is going to scope her vocal cord area in the office and to make sure she is ready for her surgery. She is still pretty quiet and they want to make sure her vocal cords are moving correctly. She will have her airway surgery sometime in April to close up her stoma site. We will have to stay the night in the hospital so not looking forward to that part of the surgery. We will also go to her pre-op appointment to make sure she is good to go for her surgery. The picture with the three girls is from this weekend. We celebrated Addisyn's third birthday and Saturday and had a great time. She is only 9 months older than the girls and probably a foot taller! lol I included some pictures from the day we brought Jordan home.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
27 Months
Our girls are 27 months today. We will be celebrating their two year adjusted birthday soon. Not a lot going on with us these days. We took the girls to a 60th birthday party today and the girls had a great time. They were pretty shy but opened up after awhile and put on quite the show. I think Rylee has her appointment on Friday for her last synagis vaccination and I will be so glad to say good bye to these shots. They have been a part of our life for three years now and I am ready to be done with them. We are really ready to get the girls out of the house more but still need to be careful as RSV/colds and flu are still going around. Both girls are really starting to talk more and more each day. Jordan talks non stop and we are able to understand her pretty good. Rylee is still pretty quiet and it is a little harder understanding what she has to say. She likes to count a lot and is really trying to learn the abc's. Jordan still likes to identify colors and boss Rylee around. I think we her Ry Ry over a hundred times each day. Their new word of the week is basketball as it has been on at our house all weekend. They got into it last night and didn't enjoy the commercials. They would keep saying ba ket ball. I don't have a lot to share with you this week. Hope all is well with everyone and have a good week.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
2 week post
I didn't do a post with pictures last week as I put the March of Dimes information up so I will make up for it this week. I am not sure where to even start. I did end up taking Jordan to the doctor a couple weeks ago as she was wheezing pretty bad for 6 days. It ended up just being upper respiratory and she was given steroids. She sounded much better after a couple days. She has had a lot of upper respiratory trouble during the past few months so not sure what is causing her trouble. Jordan hasn't been eating very good lately so I weighed her tonight and she only weighed 22 pounds. Rylee has been eating much better and weighs about 25 pounds. I can tell a difference when I pick her up compared to Jordan. I called the ENT clinic and we are just waiting on an appointment for April and then she will have her surgery sometime in May. We enjoyed a day out of the house on Saturday. I had to be in Emporia, Ks as my state basketball team was being recognized at the state basketball tournament. We decided to leave the girls at my grandma's as we didn't want to expose them to too many germs. We went to the local zoo and had a great time. My mom, sister, and nephew joined us and it was so much fun watching the girls just run around. They loved being outside and seeing all the animals. Troy and I left them at my grandma's house and then went and had a great time seeing friends for a few hours. Troy is on spring break this week so he is running daddy day care for a few days. My mom is coming to watch the girls on Wednesday as he has an appointment and then nanny MiMi will be back on Thursday.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
March of Dimes Walk
No baby should have to be born this small.

It is that time again. We are going to be walking in the March of Dimes walk on 5/1/11. If anyone is interested in walking with us please let me or Troy know as soon as you can. The link to our site is to the right of this post or I posted the website below. We are so thankful for what the March of Dimes has done for our girls. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think how blessed we are that our girls survived their early delivery. Troy and I really don't like asking for money from people but want to do what we can for this great organization. We raised over a $1000 last year and didn't put much effort into it. We will be so glad that both of our girls get to actually walk this year with us.
It is that time again. We are going to be walking in the March of Dimes walk on 5/1/11. If anyone is interested in walking with us please let me or Troy know as soon as you can. The link to our site is to the right of this post or I posted the website below. We are so thankful for what the March of Dimes has done for our girls. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think how blessed we are that our girls survived their early delivery. Troy and I really don't like asking for money from people but want to do what we can for this great organization. We raised over a $1000 last year and didn't put much effort into it. We will be so glad that both of our girls get to actually walk this year with us.
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