I have had a potty chair in the bathroom for a few months now and usually just sit the girls on it before their bath and finally tonight Rylee went potty! I was so excited and had to get the camera out for some pictures. I didn't get any pictures taken this week other than the two of the potty experience. The girls start preschool on Thursday morning and will go on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. They will go tomorrow to meet their teacher and see the classroom and our nanny is going to take them and pick them up. I will stay home a half day on Thursday so I can be there for their 1st day. I am trying to stay strong but not so sure I will leave without any tears. I don't know if I am sad because they are growing up or just the fact that they are doing well enough to even go to school. I never imagined this day would ever come after seeing them fighting for their life just 2 1/2 years ago. We had another busy weekend. I took the girls to Burlington Friday to get our hair cut and they spent the night with my parents. Then Saturday we had a swim party with all the March of Dimes families that I volunteer with. Today we went to Emporia to celebrate my Uncle Lee's 60th Birthday at the Pizza Ranch. I am trying to get the girls to settle down so I can get them to bed early as they are not going to know what to think about getting up early. Rylee is in her crib singing "Happy Birthday" right now and Jordy is telling her to be quiet. They have really been sleeping in lately. Ry slept in until 10:30 on Friday morning. They will have to get up at 7:00 a.m. on their school days. Please think of us this week and I am hoping we don't have any preschool drop outs!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Rylee went potty in the potty!
I have had a potty chair in the bathroom for a few months now and usually just sit the girls on it before their bath and finally tonight Rylee went potty! I was so excited and had to get the camera out for some pictures. I didn't get any pictures taken this week other than the two of the potty experience. The girls start preschool on Thursday morning and will go on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. They will go tomorrow to meet their teacher and see the classroom and our nanny is going to take them and pick them up. I will stay home a half day on Thursday so I can be there for their 1st day. I am trying to stay strong but not so sure I will leave without any tears. I don't know if I am sad because they are growing up or just the fact that they are doing well enough to even go to school. I never imagined this day would ever come after seeing them fighting for their life just 2 1/2 years ago. We had another busy weekend. I took the girls to Burlington Friday to get our hair cut and they spent the night with my parents. Then Saturday we had a swim party with all the March of Dimes families that I volunteer with. Today we went to Emporia to celebrate my Uncle Lee's 60th Birthday at the Pizza Ranch. I am trying to get the girls to settle down so I can get them to bed early as they are not going to know what to think about getting up early. Rylee is in her crib singing "Happy Birthday" right now and Jordy is telling her to be quiet. They have really been sleeping in lately. Ry slept in until 10:30 on Friday morning. They will have to get up at 7:00 a.m. on their school days. Please think of us this week and I am hoping we don't have any preschool drop outs!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Busy Weekend
We have had an extremely busy weekend. I took the girls to Worlds of Fun on Friday with my family and we had a great time. The girls behaved wonderful and we really enjoyed ourselves. Yesterday we went to a family gathering in Emporia and had a cook out and then today we are just resting and getting housework done. We had Tiny K here this week and nothing new to report with them. They will stay in this program until they are 3 years old and then we are on our own. Truly amazing! We couldn't be any prouder of our girls.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thought I would post a day early as I am volunteering in the NICU tomorrow and it might be a long day for me. Troy and I took the girls to the Johnson County fair today and they had a great time seeing the animals. I am really going to have to get to work on Troy on getting a house in the country so we can get the girls into 4H when they get a little older. We are just relaxing this afternoon and waiting on our AC repair man to get here. Looks like we are going to have to replace our AC before the summer is over. Rylee's g tube site has completely closed shut so it is looking like she won't be getting any "pretty" work done on it. She asked me this morning "where did my button go?" She has also noticed her scare on her neck and gets upset and says "ouchy". I think she is wondering where all these scars came from. Poor little girl :( I am getting excited about them start pre-school in a few weeks. We have our Tiny K worker coming on Wednesday and then I am taking the girls to Worlds of Fun on Friday with some of my family. I hope the weather stays nice so we can enjoy ourselves.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Yes, we are still around. I didn't get a post written last week and I did get verbally reprimanded by my uncle. Life just isn't as complicated as it once was for us and not much to say other than our girls are absolutely adorable and a huge handful at the same time. Rylee is doing fine without her feeding tube and seems to be a bit sad that it is gone. She will lift her shirt up and say "ouch". It still has some drainage coming out of the site but we are not even keeping it covered as it irritates her skin too much. I am sure we will have a few stained shirts after this all over with. We are supposed to call the surgery clinic in a few weeks and let them know if it is still draining and if it is not they will not do anything to the site. We are really wanting them to close it up as the area looks pretty bad. She already has enough battle wounds and I am sure she would appreciate it looking better when she gets older. Troy has been out of town since Thursday and I have handled the chaos without any major issues. I am just glad I have a lot of good meds! lol I took the girls to Burlington today to see my parents and sister and her family and we had a great time. We swam across the street at the pool and the girls loved it.
Monday, August 1, 2011
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