I know I am a month late on getting pictures up from the big 3rd Birthday party that we had. Since my last post not much has been going on with us. Rylee ended up getting the stomach flu another time and Jordy came down with a cold and ear infection. She is still wheezing some so I am thinking we will be going back to the doctor this week. We went to Sesame Street Live on Friday with my mom, sister Kim, nephew Eli, uncle Chris, and the girls. I think four adults to three kids was a great thing. lol The girls had a great time and then we ate lunch at Fritz's train restaurant. We went to Emporia last night to see my nephew play in the LCL tournament and they won! The girls are now sleeping in big girl beds and are sitting in booster seats instead of their high chairs. In addition to these big transitions they are both doing really good with potty training. I am pretty sure Jordan has it almost down and Rylee just needs to be reminded to go more often as I don't think she has as much control as Jordan has. They are still wearing diapers for nap and bed time and for now it is working great. The big problem seams to be going to the restroom outside of the house.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
3rd Birthday party pics
I know I am a month late on getting pictures up from the big 3rd Birthday party that we had. Since my last post not much has been going on with us. Rylee ended up getting the stomach flu another time and Jordy came down with a cold and ear infection. She is still wheezing some so I am thinking we will be going back to the doctor this week. We went to Sesame Street Live on Friday with my mom, sister Kim, nephew Eli, uncle Chris, and the girls. I think four adults to three kids was a great thing. lol The girls had a great time and then we ate lunch at Fritz's train restaurant. We went to Emporia last night to see my nephew play in the LCL tournament and they won! The girls are now sleeping in big girl beds and are sitting in booster seats instead of their high chairs. In addition to these big transitions they are both doing really good with potty training. I am pretty sure Jordan has it almost down and Rylee just needs to be reminded to go more often as I don't think she has as much control as Jordan has. They are still wearing diapers for nap and bed time and for now it is working great. The big problem seams to be going to the restroom outside of the house.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Delayed post
I totally forgot to post on Sunday and just remembered. I am going to upset a few of my family members and close friends but I think I am only post every couple of weeks from now on. I feel like our journey has slowed down and don't always know what to post. All of us ladies ended up getting the stomach flu last week and thankfully it only lasted a couple hours. I kept the girls home from school on Thursday to make sure they didn't pass it onto their friends. They started back today and seem glad to be back at school. We have been working on potty training for a week and a half and so far it is going very slowly. Jordan has actually went potty in the toilet or potty chair four times I think and Rylee has done it several more times than that. I don't want to push them that hard so going to give them a few days and see how it goes. If it doesn't get any better I might give them a two week break. Other than working on potty training and recovering from the flu we are all doing wonderful. If you are not already my friend on facebook come find me and I can keep you updated with the girls that way.
Sorry Uncle Fred! I know you love to see pictures of the girls.
Sorry Uncle Fred! I know you love to see pictures of the girls.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Years
New Years Day will never be the same for our family. This is the day that little Rylee took a turn for the worse and was not expected to make it through the night. I know I have posted this picture before but just want to remember once again how blessed we truly are. She was so very sick in this picture and we really thought this was going to be her last living picture. Just goes to show the power of prayer and just how strong she truly is. I just can't imagine living life without either one of the girls. We spent part of New Years Eve over at some friends with the girls and then Jordan was ready to come home around 8:30 so we came home and bathed them and then put them to bed. Around 11:00 Jordan woke up crying and when I went to check on her I stuck my hand in some vomit! She told me she wanted to sleep in Rylee's bed. I got her all cleaned up and back to bed and she hasn't gotten sick since then. She was a little more cuddly and laid around most of the day. I am not sure what was wrong with her but very glad it didn't turn into the full blown flu that is going around. We took the girls to the dentist on Wednesday for their 2nd check up and they both did really good getting their teeth cleaned. The dentist asked if Rylee was still sucking on a paci and we let him know that she is no longer sucking on a paci but has instead started sucking her finger on a regular basis. He thought we should give her back her paci as finger sucking can do more damage to her teeth. I took them in for their 3 year old physicals on Friday and the doctor recommended I put some stuff on Rylee's fingers to try to get her to stop sucking them. I haven't tried it yet but will get it out sometime this week. They are both still very tiny compared to other 3 year olds but no concerns and the doctor doesn't need to see them for a year. Jordan weighed in at 26 pounds and was 34.5 inches long. Rylee was 28 pounds and 35.75 inches long. They are both at least on the charts and hanging in their weight wise. I talked to the doctor about potty training and he thought the girls should at least be trying more so I started taking them to the potty chair every 15 minutes for a couple days with zero results. I did get to clean up potty messes on the floor. I didn't try it today as Jordan wasn't feeling well so we will see how tomorrow goes. They both act very interested in going but just can't seem to go on the toilet or on the potty chair. Sorry no updated pictures today. I seem to be using my phone more for pictures so facebook seems to have more this week.
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