She just had her G-tube surgery.
This was Jordan last year on Easter. The pic above is from today.
and then the mean sis took them both away
I found you Jordan.
If I had delivered the girls on their scheduled due date they would be celebrating their one year birthday today. It is hard to believe that their birthday was on 12/20/09 and it really shows just how early they were. I ended up taking Jordan to the doctor on Monday morning as she had a rough night sleeping and was pulling her ears. I just took her during the morning sick hour and I will never do that again. There were alot of sick kids and we kept our distance and I didn't touch anything without a wipe in hand. She didn't have an ear infection and the PA said she just had a cold. He is the second person that has told me babies can't get allergies so she didn't have allergies. She had a runny nose and that is pretty much all she had. Poor little Rylee has had a rough week with her cold. She has had a few fevers and has puked up several of her feedings daily. She gets to gagging on her secretions and then that initiates the puke. We have done alot of laundry this weekend. It is so hard seeing her get this sick. She doesn't seem too bothered by it and is getting some extra cuddles when she wants them. We have been keeping in contact with her special care doctor and they started her on some antibiotics on Thursday so hopefully she will get better soon. We enjoyed our Easter with our little ladies. We took them to Burlington to my sister's house for Easter dinner. We bolted out the door when one of my nephews got sick. We are thinking he may have drank a 2 Liter or more of liquids so that could be the problem with him. It did make our dinner very interesting to say the least. I don't think I ate as much as I could have. Rylee has a swallow study at CMH on Friday to see if she is aspirating on any of her liquids or food. She hasn't eaten much during these past couple weeks so hopefully she plays nice and gives us some good results.
March of Dimes: This is our first year doing the walk so I really didn't know what we were supposed to be doing with the people that want to walk. I got this response back from the March of Dimes on if you would like to walk with us.
The best thing to do it to have them sign up and donate to themselves as a part of your team. The way that some of the fundraising works is that the Kansas City Chapter receives a percentage of March of Dimes funding for local programs based on the number of walkers in attendance at the KC walk as well as dollars raised. So ideally, they should sign up to walk with you and then make a donation to their walk and it would get tallied for your whole team. Even $25 is greatly appreciated to account for the overhead of each participant. Each walker should be registered on May 1st to participate.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. We will be ordering our shirts this week so if you would like us to order you one please let us know soon. Have a great week and enjoy a few weeks of pictures.
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