We are enjoying our long weekend with the girls. We took them to Atchinson, Ks yesterday to watch one of Troy's nephews play football. They didn't think that was too fun. They wanted no part of sitting in the stands with us. We enjoyed the day at home today and then Troy went and picked up a swing set for the girls thanks to a good friend. They are going to love having something to play on when we go outside. We had our last nurse here on Monday night and that was hard having to say goodbye again. Rylee is really doing good at night and is sleeping through the night with no issues. I did decide to no longer have her on her oxygen sat monitor as she gets wrapped up in the cords and I didn't think that was too safe. I am not real comfortable with her being off the monitor as it has always eased my mind. We have a video monitor that I have on the nightstand so I can check on her all night long. I had Troy go check on her last night as I thought she looked purple. I think I was half asleep and just freaking out. We still have Jordan on her angel pad and it goes off sometimes if she gets moved too far in the corner. It will alarm if there is no movement within 20 seconds. I thought about getting Rylee one of these monitors but she probably doesn't need it. Jordan scared us on Thursday morning as she woke up with some labored breathing and had some stridor and retracting with each breath. We took her to the doctor that morning and they thought she might have croup. I don't think it was croup as she never had a cough and was better by that afternoon. She had steroids for three days and antibiotics for ear infection. I am just really glad it only lasted a couple hours and it didn't turn into anything bad. Both girls have running noses and I think it is just allergy related. We don't have any appointments until the end of the month so this has been a nice break. It just means the girls are getting healthier and healthier by the day. I am just so proud of these girls.
P.S. Don't eat the ketchup in our house! Jordan steals it from the fridge every time we open it up.
you guys better address that right away; you know ketchup is a gateway condiment! LOL