Here are some of the pictures we had taken a few weeks ago in Shawnee Mission Park. We have had a great week at home with the girls. I am taking Rylee to CMH tomorrow to meet with OT so they can see how she is doing on her feedings and they will weigh her and if she has gained weight we might get a few weeks off from having to go to CMH. Rylee is scheduled for her synagis vaccination on Wednesday and I am not looking forward to taking her to the doctor for this. I almost backed out of taking her as I don't want to put her through these shots but Troy quickly reminded me how important it is that she get any help she can. We will hopefully enjoy the holidays with friends and family a little more knowing that she has a better chance to fight off RSV with these vaccinations. She will have to go to the doctor every 28 to 30 days until this Spring. She is already starting to throw a fit when we walk into doctors offices so I am sure this won't help her any. Jordan is still just Jordan. We had a back step with her bottles and were giving her one to two bottles a day depending on how much milk she drank each day. She is on day two of no bottle and she had a major temper tantrum on the kitchen floor right before bed. It really broke my heart seeing her so mad. She will still only drink about 4 to 6 oz a day of milk so hopefully she will start drinking more soon or we may have to see what the doctor has to say.
The pictures are great. Looks like it was a beautiful fall day to take pictures.