I think I might have lots of tears tomorrow as my little babies are turning two! I feel like yesterday we were just bringing these girls home. We had a couple friends over tonight for pizza and cake and then Santa came to visit. It was so much fun watching the girls expressions when Santa walked in the door. I will forever have these memories in my mind. I took tomorrow off from work and I am going to go get the girls 2nd Birthday pictures taken and then we are going to the NICU to deliver some cookies. I am so excited because two of our special nurses are working and we will get to see them. We also get to check in on baby Olivia who is doing much better in the NICU.
These little girls have touched so many people in these last two years and have taught Troy and I more than we ever thought we'd learn. I never thought I'd lean so hard on hope, but I have and continue to do so. So with the passing of this last year, the girls have continued to develop more of their personalities. Rylee is kind, helpful, loving, outgoing and of course sassy. She wants to please you and be loved. Jordan is curious, loving, strong-willed, charismatic and of course stubborn. Rylee is the smallest fighter most of us will ever know. I've been looking back at the girl's photos and videos this past week, and am amazed at all the changes that have taken place. As a parent of micro preemies, one of my biggest life lessons have been to look back a few months, rather than weeks when reviewing changes in development or health. Now I can say "years" and feel so proud. We may have some tough challenges still ahead, but we enter into them with strength and so much pride. I've learned that things don't always turn out the way you thought they would, or the way you hoped they would, but you can't plan everything. I'd like to think that even through our story, we still find ourselves to feel beyond blessed. These little ladies are our loves!
Two years ago on December 20th, we welcomed these girls onto this earth with that classic new parent smile that is trying desperately to mask a great amount of fear. For all it took to get pregnant with these girls, they gave me an amazingly easy pregnancy. Now there early arrival on the other hand was not what I had planned for us. They have been the best babies a Mommy and Daddy could ask for. They are perfect still in my parental goggles. I was just thinking today how much joy they bring me. They bring endless smiles and my heart nearly bursts from my chest daily with pride and love when I watch them. Jordan, you take care of Rylee as her older sister, you see she has her blankie and pacifier for bed. You are her second Mommy. And though a time may come when she does not enjoy being mothered by you, I love watching you care for her so much. You are also a girl who knows what she wants. Rylee, you are my baby. You snuggle and you love in a way that isn't thought out at all. You are so kind. Your smile, laugh and everything about you is infectious. So you are big two year olds now! I hope this next year brings just as much love and happiness as the first two. And if it does, I can deal with your sass and tantrums. You little miracles are our lives. We love you. I love you!
Last week they weighed in 22 pounds 13 ounces and were 31 ½ inches long. It is amazing that they both weigh the exact same. They are wearing a size 4 diaper and pretty much all of their clothes are size 12 to 18 months. They are about the size of most one year olds. They are both wonderful sleepers. They go to sleep around 7:00 p.m. and wake up around 6:30 to 7:00 each morning. Rylee will get her 2nd Synagis vaccination of the season on Wednesday and we just got the bill in the mail from her 1st vaccination. These shots are $9305.05 each month. Ouch! I am very thankful for insurance! Tiny K was here this past week and I was once again reminded that are girls are doing an amazing job. Our big focus right now is working on their speech. They both probably say over 30 words and even though we don't always know what they are saying they are really trying to get new words out everyday.
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