We went to the pumpkin patch with the preschool on Tuesday and had a great time . It was so neat to see the girls interact with all the other kids. One little girl walked up to Ry when we walked up and hugged and kissed her and then sAid I lovE YOU. JORDAN SEEMS TO THINK I NEED THE CAPS LOCK ON RIGHT NOW! IT TOTALLY MELTED MY HEART SEEING THE LITTLE GIRL BE SO SWEET TO RY. THEY ARE BOTH EXTREMELY short compared to the other kids in the class. I think they are the youngest in the class so they have some catching up to do. We have teacher conferences in a couple weeks so we will get to see how they are doing in school. I am going with them to trick or treat on Thursday morning with the preschool and then they will come back and have a Halloween party. We went over to our friends yesterday to watch the KU vs KState game and the girls had a great time. We had family pictures taken today at Baker University and I can't wait to get them back. Jordan was the good girl today and Ry was her crazy self. After pictures we went and got some subs and had a picnic in the Lawrence park with our friends and their little girls. The girls loved the walk down Mass street to get ice cream as a special treat.
The picture of Jordy and the syringe made me laugh. We hadn't used Ry's gtube for several months prior to her getting it out in July and Jordy still thinks we can put stuff in her site.
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