This picture is the girls walking down the hallway at St Lukes when we went to the Halloween party. We walked down that hallway for 96 days and at the time I never even dreamed we would be this far with the girls right now. Made me tear up just a little bit.
I apologize for not getting a good post up this past week. My dad had surgery on Monday evening where they removed a large tumor from his bladder. We got good news Friday evening and he will not require any further surgeries at this time. He meets with the doctor on Tuesday to develop a plan of action. Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Our prayers were definitely answered and it is not as serious as it could have been. I ended up taking the girls with me to the hospital as my Aunt Peggy was back from Colorado to be here for dad's surgery so I bathed the girls in sanitizer and we were on our way. Not really but I am surprised I didn't as hospitals scare me because of all the germs. We were able to see my dad in his pre surgery room and little Rylee was terrified being in the hospital. She did seem to get a little more comfortable as the night went on. Troy came and picked the girls up before the surgery actually started and she would not leave the hospital until she got to say good bye to Pal Paw. We had teacher conferences on Thursday with the pre-school and the girls are doing very well. We were rather shocked with Rylee's test results. She can identify every letter, and almost all numbers to 20 and got all colors right except brown and the rectangle shape. We know she knows these so no worries with this little miracle. Jordan didn't do quite so good but did as good as she should be doing. The teacher told us that all this information is just extra and they should just be getting socialized and used to being in a structured setting. We had their school district screening the week before and they are still going to do some screening to see if they qualify for any services with the school district. They did hearing screenings and both girls passed. Both of Jordan's ear drums are moving and she only failed one of the frequencies so that means she is doing fine with her hearing. We have Tiny K (infant and toddlers) coming on Friday and so sad that our coach will have to discharge us when the girls turn 3. (next month)!
We just got home from Admire, Ks after attending a family gathering. My great Aunt was back from California and my uncle Fred was back from Colorado so he could go hunting and visit with my dad. It was so good to see all of our family.
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