We have had another good week and not much going on. We are just trying to keep our ladies free from the swine flu. I have only lost a little bit of sleep just thinking about ways to keep them safe. I went to Target today in Lawrence and probably sanitized my hands 100 times while I was in the store! We went to CMH on Friday with Rylee and she is kicked out of the Occupational Therapy for now. She didn't want anything to do with a bottle and kept gagging when I was feeding her cereal and peas to her. She is doing pretty good with her green beans and peas so far at home. Neither of the girls like the cereal so I might start adding some fruit when they can start getting it added to their diet. The OT therapist is confident that we can meet Rylee's needs through Tiny K (infant and toddlers) so she isn't making us come back. I thanked her for not making us come back because just being in the hospital sends me into a frenzy! Thankfully Nurse T keeps me in check and takes care of the both of us. We don't go back to CMH until October with Rylee. We do have their 9 month developmental screenings at Saint Lukes and their pediatrician appointments in September so that will keep us busy. Tiny K comes to our house about every other week so that keeps us busy too.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
We have had another good week and not much going on. We are just trying to keep our ladies free from the swine flu. I have only lost a little bit of sleep just thinking about ways to keep them safe. I went to Target today in Lawrence and probably sanitized my hands 100 times while I was in the store! We went to CMH on Friday with Rylee and she is kicked out of the Occupational Therapy for now. She didn't want anything to do with a bottle and kept gagging when I was feeding her cereal and peas to her. She is doing pretty good with her green beans and peas so far at home. Neither of the girls like the cereal so I might start adding some fruit when they can start getting it added to their diet. The OT therapist is confident that we can meet Rylee's needs through Tiny K (infant and toddlers) so she isn't making us come back. I thanked her for not making us come back because just being in the hospital sends me into a frenzy! Thankfully Nurse T keeps me in check and takes care of the both of us. We don't go back to CMH until October with Rylee. We do have their 9 month developmental screenings at Saint Lukes and their pediatrician appointments in September so that will keep us busy. Tiny K comes to our house about every other week so that keeps us busy too.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
8 Month bear pictures
We took the girls to the pediatrician on Thursday and Rylee weighed in at 13 lb 8 oz and Jordan weighed 14 lb 1 oz. The doctor is still impressed with their steady weight gains. We are trying to take one feeding away from Rylee at night and so far she isn't waking up and seems to be doing fine. Jordan was prescribed an antibiotic for a minor ear infection and a nasal spray for her allergies. The doctor did see some fluid on her ears and thinks it is either from her reflux or from her allergies. If the doctor doesn't see any improvement in her ears by next month we will be referred to an ENT at Children's Mercy. I already tried to call to see if we could just take her with us in October when we go for Rylee's appointment and I was told they are not accepting new patients. I thought this seemed kinda crazy that they are not accepting new patients right now. I went ahead and put her on a waiting list just in case the doctor thinks she needs tubes in her ears. The girls will probably start receiving their synagis (rsv) shots next month and will have to go to the doctor each month for these in addition to their regular monthly pediatrician appointments. The girls are both working on sitting up and Jordan can do it for a few minutes and Rylee is doing it for a few seconds. Tiny K was here on Thursday and we gave Jordan some cereal and I am going to start the girls on some green beans tonight. I am not looking forward to the whole baby food experience! It doesn't seem to appealing to me. While Tiny K was here I told them that Rylee had been refusing the bottles. Well wouldn't you know while they were here she decided she wanted the bottle. She hates to have to work at the sucking so we have to make the opening pretty open. She still has to have thickner in her formula so it isn't too easy for her to get through the nipple. We only have one appointment this week at CMH for Rylee's occupational therapy on Friday.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
8 Months
The girls will be eight months old on Thursday. I still can't believe they are this old already. We have had a great weekend at home. We still haven't adventured out anywhere with the girls because Rylee still can't tolerate her HME (artificial nose). I think I spoke too soon about her bottle progress. She has decided this weekend that she no longer likes them. It has me pretty frustrated because she was doing so good. Jordan had a great week with her nanny and everything went well. She did develop some allergies and has been pretty miserable all week. We are hoping she can get by until we go to the doctor on Thursday.
Friday, August 14, 2009
"One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."
- Author Unknown
I came across this quote the other day and it really hit home with me. I am still struggling with forgiving myself for going into labor so early and having to watch my little girls struggle for their lives. I know it was nothing I did that made me go into labor, but I still have guilt thinking about them coming into this world so early. I still find myself very angry that Rylee got MRSA in the NICU and I am trying everyday to forgive this family. This quote really made me think how blessed I am and how bright our future is looking. I have the most precious baby girls and can't imagine my life without them. I couldn't be more proud of them. We took Rylee to CMH for Occupational Therapy on Tuesday and I was one proud mommy. Rylee took 10 ml from a bottle and even let me feed her some cereal. We are working with her two times and day and so far she is doing very well. She doesn't swallow much of her cereal, but she lets us put it in her mouth and doesn't throw a fit. Most babies that have been through what she has wouldn't even let you put a spoon into their mouths. We will go back in two weeks and see what else they recommend to get her to drink from a bottle. Tiny K will be here on Thursday and Jordan will get to try some cereal. We also have pediatrician appointments that day as well.
- Author Unknown
I came across this quote the other day and it really hit home with me. I am still struggling with forgiving myself for going into labor so early and having to watch my little girls struggle for their lives. I know it was nothing I did that made me go into labor, but I still have guilt thinking about them coming into this world so early. I still find myself very angry that Rylee got MRSA in the NICU and I am trying everyday to forgive this family. This quote really made me think how blessed I am and how bright our future is looking. I have the most precious baby girls and can't imagine my life without them. I couldn't be more proud of them. We took Rylee to CMH for Occupational Therapy on Tuesday and I was one proud mommy. Rylee took 10 ml from a bottle and even let me feed her some cereal. We are working with her two times and day and so far she is doing very well. She doesn't swallow much of her cereal, but she lets us put it in her mouth and doesn't throw a fit. Most babies that have been through what she has wouldn't even let you put a spoon into their mouths. We will go back in two weeks and see what else they recommend to get her to drink from a bottle. Tiny K will be here on Thursday and Jordan will get to try some cereal. We also have pediatrician appointments that day as well.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Daddy Day Care is over
Jordan doesn't think Rylee needs her trach!
Well the time is nearly here tomorrow Jordan will have her nanny here to watch her instead of her daddy. She has become quite the daddy's girl that is for sure. I am a bit sad that neither Troy or I will be the ones caring for the girls during the day. We are very blessed that we got to spend this much time with our girls at home without having to take them to day care. The girls will be in very good hands with our day nurse and the nanny, but it still doesn't make it very easy leaving them. I am sure after the first few days things will get easier. Thanks to Ruth and Angie we had a wonderful baby shower today at our house. I know it seems weird having a shower when our babies are almost 8 months old. Nothing has been normal with us since we became pregnant with these girls. We got alot of good stuff that we will really use during these next few months. I don't think we will be buying any diapers for awhile. The girls and daddy are both crashed out right now from all the excitement. We had our first night with Rylee for awhile last night and it worked out pretty well. Troy stayed up until 4:00 a.m. and I took over from there. We will be covering a night or two a week starting next month so we are enjoying our sleep now. We have a appointment on Tuesday with Occupational Therapy with Rylee and looking forward to seeing what they have to say about her feedings. Jordan had her hearing test this week and unfortunately she failed it again. The audiologist looked at her ear drums and didn't see them moving. She told us that it could just be fluid in her ears and that maybe some medication or possibly tubes could help her out. We are not too stressed about it because we do notice that she hears us when we talk to her. She will have to go back to CMH in two months to get tested again.
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