Jordan doesn't think Rylee needs her trach!
Well the time is nearly here tomorrow Jordan will have her nanny here to watch her instead of her daddy. She has become quite the daddy's girl that is for sure. I am a bit sad that neither Troy or I will be the ones caring for the girls during the day. We are very blessed that we got to spend this much time with our girls at home without having to take them to day care. The girls will be in very good hands with our day nurse and the nanny, but it still doesn't make it very easy leaving them. I am sure after the first few days things will get easier. Thanks to Ruth and Angie we had a wonderful baby shower today at our house. I know it seems weird having a shower when our babies are almost 8 months old. Nothing has been normal with us since we became pregnant with these girls. We got alot of good stuff that we will really use during these next few months. I don't think we will be buying any diapers for awhile. The girls and daddy are both crashed out right now from all the excitement. We had our first night with Rylee for awhile last night and it worked out pretty well. Troy stayed up until 4:00 a.m. and I took over from there. We will be covering a night or two a week starting next month so we are enjoying our sleep now. We have a appointment on Tuesday with Occupational Therapy with Rylee and looking forward to seeing what they have to say about her feedings. Jordan had her hearing test this week and unfortunately she failed it again. The audiologist looked at her ear drums and didn't see them moving. She told us that it could just be fluid in her ears and that maybe some medication or possibly tubes could help her out. We are not too stressed about it because we do notice that she hears us when we talk to her. She will have to go back to CMH in two months to get tested again.
Hi Carrie! Your girls are looking beautiful and are growing so well! I am so happy to see them both and the two of you! I wish you all the very best! Tons of hugs!