We took the girls to the pediatrician on Thursday and Rylee weighed in at 13 lb 8 oz and Jordan weighed 14 lb 1 oz. The doctor is still impressed with their steady weight gains. We are trying to take one feeding away from Rylee at night and so far she isn't waking up and seems to be doing fine. Jordan was prescribed an antibiotic for a minor ear infection and a nasal spray for her allergies. The doctor did see some fluid on her ears and thinks it is either from her reflux or from her allergies. If the doctor doesn't see any improvement in her ears by next month we will be referred to an ENT at Children's Mercy. I already tried to call to see if we could just take her with us in October when we go for Rylee's appointment and I was told they are not accepting new patients. I thought this seemed kinda crazy that they are not accepting new patients right now. I went ahead and put her on a waiting list just in case the doctor thinks she needs tubes in her ears. The girls will probably start receiving their synagis (rsv) shots next month and will have to go to the doctor each month for these in addition to their regular monthly pediatrician appointments. The girls are both working on sitting up and Jordan can do it for a few minutes and Rylee is doing it for a few seconds. Tiny K was here on Thursday and we gave Jordan some cereal and I am going to start the girls on some green beans tonight. I am not looking forward to the whole baby food experience! It doesn't seem to appealing to me. While Tiny K was here I told them that Rylee had been refusing the bottles. Well wouldn't you know while they were here she decided she wanted the bottle. She hates to have to work at the sucking so we have to make the opening pretty open. She still has to have thickner in her formula so it isn't too easy for her to get through the nipple. We only have one appointment this week at CMH for Rylee's occupational therapy on Friday.
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