Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We celebrated Troy's birthday this weekend and we loved hearing the girls tell him Happy Birthday. I took the girls to CMH on Friday for Rylee's appointments in the ENT clinic and surgery clinic and now we just need both clinics to get together and schedule her surgeries. She will have her g tube site sewn shut and then the ENT doctor will do some work on her trach site to clean the scar tissue up. The surgeries won't be too complicated but still no fun for Rylee. We will have to go back and see the pre op team before so hopefully this will be our last few visits to CMH. Preschool is still going well and we are down to Jordan only crying for a minute or so when the nanny drops her off. Hopefully this week she will start to warm up more and not be so upset about going to school. They both talk about school and their teachers so I know they are enjoying it. I have to work late on Thursday so I will drop the girls off for school and I am looking forward to seeing all the kids and talking with the teachers some more.

1 comment:

  1. they are such beautiful girls, I can't believe how big they've gotten!
