Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rough day for Rylee

Our day didn't start off very well. I started her feeding pump at 5:45 a.m. She was pretty fussy so I picked her up and the feeding tube was pulled too hard and out popped her g-tube. I freaked out and yelled for Troy. He came in and grabbed one of her spare trachs off her bed thinking I yelled that her trach was out. We quickly covered the site and I almost lost it. I was able to reach one of her Children's Mercy doctors and she talked me through getting a new one inserted. I felt awful for letting this happen and have been sick to my stomach all day about it. I posted a picture of the g-tube and yes that inflated part came through her incision site. Once we got this taken care of it was time to go to the doctor and poor little Rylee had to get her four month shots. I luckily didn't have to stay in the room with her and let daddy and the nurse stay with her. I didn't think I could take seeing her in pain again. The doctor is pleased with both girls and their weight gain. Jordan has gained two pounds this month and weighs 11 pounds 8 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long. Compaired to other 25 week babies she is in the 87 % for her weight, 38 % for her height and 36 % for her head size. Rylee gained a pound in two weeks and weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. Compaired to other 25 week babies she is in the 45 % for her weight, only 5% for her height and 36 % for her head size. It is not looking like we are going to have any tall basketball players in our family.

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